Political pollsters do not command a high degree of public respect and are frequently derided – even by those politicians who spend vast sums commissioning them and then devouring, behind closed doors, their every conclusion! Deborah Mattinson is considered one of the best, having been Gordon Brown’s chief pollster and then the creator of BritainThinks, Read the full article…
Category Archives: BLOG
‘The Porpoise’ by Mark Haddon – A Review
I tend to avoid novels that are ‘re-imaginings’ of classic works, Shakespeare and the Greek Myths having received their fair share of late. I think my reaction is based on the recognition that enjoyment of the work would surely be enhanced by greater familiarity with the ‘original’. Margaret Atwood’s ‘Hagseed’ is a case in point. Read the full article…
‘Wicked Messenger: Bob Dylan and the 1960s’ – Review
On my bookshelves, I have 94 books and 58 journal editions about Bob Dylan. And there are people who would consider this a paltry collection – mine only representing a small proportion of the total publications about this major but enigmatic cultural icon! Leaving aside trivial attempts to cash in on interest in Dylan, the Read the full article…