‘THE RAGGED WEAVE OF YESTERDAY’ by Andy Christopher Miller was published March 2017

Why do people keep personal diaries?

What do they write in them?

Who, if anybody, do they think will be interested in them? Do they have an ideal reader, perhaps a muse or some specific person in mind?

And how does a writer deal with the naivety of his or her younger self? Or handle confidences and the potential to cause embarrassment or offence?

Andy began writing a diary on 1st Jan 1967 and has made entries for well over 9,000 days. This set of books now has a word count of more than 1.6 million words – around three times the length of ‘War and Peace’.

When he heard that an old friend he first met in a barn in Snowdonia in early 1967 was seriously ill, Andy searched his diaries to send him extracts from their early mountaineering adventures together. In doing so, he was forced to confront and attempt to resolve many of the diary writer’s dilemmas mentioned above.

READ brief extracts from The Ragged Weave of Yesterday here

SEE the front cover graphics and back cover blurb for The Ragged Weave of Yesterday here

BUY The Ragged Weave of Yesterday  (paperback or ebook) here