… A WONDERFUL BOOK … ANYONE YET TO READ IT HAS A REAL TREAT IN STORE …” John Lindley, Poet Laureate for Cheshire and Manchester Poet of the Year

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Chapter titles

1946 – 1965

1. Safe as Houses
2. When the Music Stops
3. Message in a Bottle
4. Common Knowledge
5. Every Sparrow Fallen
6. One for a Jack
7. In Scarlet Town
8. Pecking Order
9. The Naples of England
10. Like Survivors
11. Only a Book
12. Mentors for the Atomic Age
13. Racing Right Away
14. Fifty Miles is a Long Way
15. Telling You How to Live
16. Gainful Employment
17. Above and Beyond
18. Concrete Proposal

1983 – 1987

19. As Long as Everyone’s Alright
20. Neither Shape Nor Shadow

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