This review appeared in the 2012 Autumn edition of ‘630 Miles’, which is the bi-annual newsletter of the South West Coast Path Association. It only comments on the final quarter of my book which is quite understandable given its specific focus. I’m very pleased with it nonetheless.
And, while I’m at it, this is me at the end of the SWCP in Sept ’12 – 8 years, 13 trips, 630 miles, 114,930ft of ascent (four and a bit Everests), wonderful walking companions and also solitary stretches completed alone, stunning scenery, this must be one of the world’s great walks
Hi Andy
How wonderful to be praised for your writing in someone else’s publication. Congratulations. I’ve also read of the climbing exploit in which you had to rescue a rather impetuous teenage climber. I thought it was very well written; I could feel your urgency in the words you’d chosen. You really shouldn’t doubt yourself. You are a writer.
Thanks for your kind comments, Ange. I’m pleased you liked ‘Hanging in the Balance’, the piece about the cliff rescue. I’m thinking of posting an extract from it on this blog but, as it is currently entered in a competition, I thought I’d wait to see the outcome from that first.